
Junior high school teachers.

Yesterday was hot in the morning.
I have been trickles of dogs for a walk around 9:00,
The body has become a hot dog from the black hair of female-Pieta
Ka was a walk in early morning or evening time after another.

Mosquitoes will be around the Pieta, it is also active Tomoko Oh,
Have stuck a spider walking on male chest hair dog statue Pie,
Yo~o purpuric ~ also trembled.
Cent of insects is the season that also trickles Oh my weak.

Speaking of which, discovered in junior high school teacher at the time of Facebook.
I have us remember from the shop was doing a home,
N? ? It many years ago Purpuric purpuric ~ Oh · ·

Island "erotic" nickname of the teacher.
~ Hey mother What erotic teacher student When I think back on it now is.

Yo~o Oh yeah, if you have beaten the guys face, I was also Pechipechi slap round trip.
Oh, zap! S not, Pechipechi, long Pechipechi addition.

Ah memories loose and was beaten ·
To a different teacher or beaten Omoikiri the head with the back cover of textbooks,
Or the teacher of kendo is being killed in the Sinai-Bashibashi
The teacher of the software is the face-slap-
I do not remember why And that was hit.

And now that I ~ Iya is good memories.
Oh, about this, Why do cute Mon.
Surely, ~ What a problem but now I get such a thing

I like that anywhere the way, Oh,
'S I was a junior high school student of mushrooms or cut E~e.

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