
I think trying to measure dog food properly.

During this time, when we measure the weight of the dog at the veterinary hospital,
What are you gaining weight steadily and with two dogs.

~ I became a 11kg female dog Pieta
When you hug, ~Tsu heavy! I had thought, No way I · 11kg
Pied male elephant dog to weak units → 10kg 9kg.

Rice is the first study in the cup always 8-9 min after Zoletile injection.
The teacher, What is said in the instrument properly, please measured once ·
Measure immediately seen.
· Hey I surprised the weight change is pretty much, too much grain Iya 2 to dog food.

Yo~o Since then, we measure so tightly.
I have never used or even tablespoon cooking,
Is hot from the oven and even a little weight is different, "even when baking bread
Even write the instructions What "as different from the measure properly
I wish this was about ~ ~ super, I have precisely measured.

Ha, ~Tsu What was out of rice so far Did you mean par with a large dog! ?

Speaking of which, this season Pied elephant village is there to eat,
Until recently I had to leave, from precisely measure
Chant-crunching sound eating

I'm sorry, you guys, from now on Yo~o measure properly.
Bread, Yo~o measure properly.

Ah, But - food is the first study

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