
This time, I made a schedule for six months.

Yo~o had also made ​​schedule,
This time he per 6 months.

The rest of the year - half a year I will Oikomo yourself and Iya.
However, he built enjoying a good thing but also do not have to ·
· Oh Yoro~tsu
What time to make it like this, I wish I 's If you study.

And Oh, the dog lunch with friends yesterday
What was the story I want to make the accessories,
Works have heard Takakazu're good,
He 's gone to Takakazu Works directly after eating.

Why - Ah, now that I want Want to have now
Bambang is a force to immersive action,
Hey would not proceed at all that you do not gotta do What ·

Is, I watched the Works on the net just Takakazu
Seems a workshop has been held in each store,
Because there was a workshop to create a bracelet in August
He 's had involuntarily signed up!

Fluoride · ·

~ ~ ~ Ru~u Ru~u Lulu Lulu
~Tsu る, ~ ♪ Lulu Ru~u
~ ♪ Oh Sidi ease

Yo~o yes yes I know.
I will do what to do, but from tomorrow I · August
~ We will braced Yo~o
~ Fu~u fluoride

Oh, I did up a schedule of six months because much trouble.
When it is good here - of using ↓

Oh, the site of Takakazu Works'm here ↓

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