
Are drunk.

Today is Sunday ~ ~ ♪ Fu~u fluoride
Chu ー drunk or a little.
ー ー I massaged you're drinking alone at home than from Chick ~Tsu daytime
Ru ~ ~I ー Pye is the same yesterday today it's golf

Oh I say weather ·
Oh how I bloomed cherry blossoms ·
Let's go for a walk long afternoon of dogs.

Pieta is a female dog, opened the door of the bedroom Oh yeah
I'm violent with you on the bed piezo-

I have, and how, whether or not something like can not open the door,
Or trying to fix the fence or for the pet, the knob on the door
I was thinking many things, also Imahitotsu.

Is, and I do not Tobitsuke ー 's not if you put something in front of the door knob,
Seen placing a box of computer monitor I bought during that time.
Just go! ~Tsu Not be opened! Did it! !

That is something I hope I put something! That 's why
If you are looking for a figurine in San Ne Amazon before,
But there was a huge ornament of the Sky Tree,

Statue of Liberty or the Eiffel Tower or Sky-tree if ~ N,
It is better or the Venus de Milo · ·

~Tsu Or make your own or something! Fufufu.
Pie in the dog male elephant ~Tsu forefoot burn things Ah, but! What from the defeat,
I'm not a good fall.

Effortless movement from the place in front of the door and,
ー and, it would · What is better to light as much as possible.
Put down the weights, something to create a form around ·

What to ー ー To~o
There! Useless. Pieta is gnawing.
Ah ~ ~ ~ U Uu · something good even if bitten

What I was ~Tsu feet, stretch even Paul!
I Na, resolved.

Was resolved as I write grumbling.

I thought I would do a little more fun ·
Transient Well, let's put a little.

Oh, tomorrow Oh, had said during this time of "Aerial Yoga"
~ I'm going to experience it.

~ Oh today is April's Yo~o another ·

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