
Pushu~tsu, ~Tsu ~Tsu ーーーーーーー Pushupushu

Iya · ·
I have been thinking Monmon and softening,
Yo~o steam has gone out from the head.

ー ー ー probe U-Ah-
Behind would also update state because such ·

There is no sense like the meantime I think
"I am? What the heck" or what I want,
The impatient or the stomach after ~Tsu ー ー be why.

When such is unwillingly,
What I think and try not to think about anything · ·
They thought the contrary, ~ ~ くぅ useless.

Should I do that a lot of fun ー Ah! What I thought.
But think of What? "What fun."

~ ~ ~ くぅ

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