
Today's walk from the rain will be closed

Yesterday, walking to the back of the dogs
Once you catch a lift home and,
The first alone is not enough boys in early elementary school,
The dogs got to look for a moving cart
"Oh please stop · ~ ·! Over over over oh stop," What
You look scared, stop your hands! What came out in front to feel it.

There is no way to get off the elevator,

The mother was close to panic, "I do?" What is heard from the north
"Oh, please stop What is said," What say,
I go somewhere I did you pull the hands of children

Was a kick in the pants Suggoi
That boy, do I hate even as an adult
~ I will Enoni animals to the river.

Oh, What gyoza dumplings from noisy updating to Tiger two days ago,
What is an email from a friend I came with a delicious dumplings Kamata
He had to go out together next week.

I'm a long time Girl Talk, Ha.

Oh, de 111 111 today!

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