Well yesterday, I was swept in the microwave shiny.
In the range 温Metara leftover fried squid followed
The buzz about their dogs, "Ban Tsu" What surprised by the explosion.
You's right, was splattered by the squid in the range by breaking the lap!
Shobo not over
Woo ~ even after much trouble to clean.
Something, to God, "You're still training Tallinn, nice and clean!
Tsu dig, dig dig "I feel that I per cent What is said.
And evening, from Pye Rerelease "I could come home tonight customers," What is said,
Puchittona switch to that word.
I'm biting the nose along with cleaning.
Oh I do Yappari cleaning woman
Oh, but he says customers will eventually come.
Well, the family was clean.
Oh Oh I mentioned yesterday, I'm Enoki miso soup
Everyone will come out drinking.
What if I am Oh, and try various 遊Banakya more! What I thought why.
Action force is lost with age, something being downhearted
Dangerous dangerous.
Unless this is done and what you want.
Thank you, Enoki miso soup.
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